The Scents of Fall
As soon as the weather cools, I find myself reaching for a cup of Lapsang Souchong tea, longing for a wood fire, or seeking long walks in the woods and inhaling more deeply. Being from a region of evergreen tree forests, I often miss their damp balsamic scent...
But since I now live in Southern California, I turn to another great source of well being: the beach. As soon as I take off my shoes, connect with the now cool sand, and start breathing in the fresh ocean air, I feel rejuvenated, and I breathe in deeper. The salty air smells amazing! I don't need to read a book to KNOW that it's good for me. But... Since I always need to learn more about what inspires me and makes me feel happy... Do you know that It contains negatively charged hydrogen ions that help absorb oxygen and balance out serotonin levels, resulting in more energy and more positive mood?... Makes sense to me... My friends often smile when I refer to my need to be out in nature, but to me escaping to the woods, the mountains, the oceanside is vital to my happiness and balance. It makes me feel alive, it stimulates all my senses, it allows me to take on the daily challenges with positivity.
And it inspires me to create products that feel and smell good, like an invigorating walk in nature.
As I prepare for the holidays, my essential oil blending choices are changing... I have been playing with juniper, spruce, pine, and eucalyptus.
At this time of year, eucalyptus is my go-to all-around-feel-good-breathe-well-think-clear essential oil. It is a mind stimulator, wiring the brain to stay alert and attentive. Using eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser will help with concentration, as well as mental stress and exhaustion. This morning, before starting my work, I combined 2 drops of eucalyptus and 1 drop of jasmine and inhaled deeply. Not a combination I would have spontaneously put together, but I read about it, tried it, and it smelled heavenly! The jasmine added a touch of sophistication to the pungent eucalyptus
Also, when I feel under the weather, a combination of eucalyptus, thyme and lemon in a diffuser cleans the air and always makes me feel and breathe better. I am prone to congested sinuses, and this really helps. Another great combination is eucalyptus, lavender, cedarwood, spruce and peppermint.
The one thing to keep in mind when playing with/enjoying essential oils is that they are very potent. Keeping them away from children and pets is extremely important, and avoiding them during pregnancy is best, unless you are an expert.
Finally, I wanted to leave you with a very simple but lovely combo for Thanksgiving: Orange, clove and cinnamon (have a light touch with the clove and cinnamon, their scent can be overpowering).