Should you exfoliate in the summer?
/If you’ve been spending time in the sun and used more sunscreen than usual, you may find that your skin is more sensitive or irritated.
You can (and should) keep exfoliating, especially if you want your skin to have a lasting sun-kissed glow, but no more than once a week. Make sure to use a mild exfoliating product. And of course, always pay attention to your skin, and treat it delicately.
A gentle clay mask (such as our Rose Clay Mask) is a very effective way to cleanse your pores and remove dead skin cells, without being too harsh.
One of the reasons I like a clay mask in powder form is that you can adjust it to suit your skin’s changing needs.
And it’s fun to create your own beauty treatment!
Here are a few clay mask options to care for your summer skin:
If you make it thinner (by adding a bit more water, or rose water) it will dry faster and pull out impurities from your skin more gently.
If you rinse your mask out before it’s fully dry, it will also leave some of your protective natural oils.
You can add a few drops of jojoba, avocado or apricot kernel oil to your mask if your skin is particularly dry.
For acne-prone skin, you can also add a teaspoon of honey (mix the honey with a tiny bit of warm water to dissolve it before you add to the clay powder).
honey has anti-inflammatory & antibacterial properties
A few drops of oil add nourishing benefits
rose water adds soothing benefits to your mask
Or just apply our clay mask the way you usually do. Rose clay and kaolin clay are the gentlest to your skin. Plus our clay mask contains organic, food-grade rose petal powder and chamomile extract, both very soothing to the skin.
The most important thing to remember when doing a clay mask is to moisturize right after you rinse the mask off and while your skin is still damp to lock in moisture and give your skin that dewy finish.
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